Friday, January 31, 2014

Why when I sign up on real estate web sites do I get a bunch of agents calling me right away?

Hi Rose,

It's great people are paying attention! I love to hear that !

So your on a real estate brokers web site, 85% of the people that come to the site are there to see property listings. Most sites will let you look at a min 3 property listings and then figure that you have a level of interest that may require some assistance from and expert.

The Broker has working for them, real estate agents developing their brand recognition in a given market. Different brokers focus on different aspects of services they provide their client base. You know what is important to you with someone who works with you: dependability, knowledgeable about the area of choice, experienced in real estate transaction, honest and other personalities you feel important to have predetermine criteria.

On the agent side they are interested in providing excellent service for their client in the hops of concluding a successful transaction and perhaps receiving referrals from you if they do a great job.

So in the pursuit of providing the client with a great experience there has to be a starting point in communication. Auto email responses let you know a system is functioning but we have found does not give the client an attachment to a person. A quick phone call while you are most likely on the site lets you know that there is an agent available to answer any questions you may have or just make the initial personal contact.

So some consumers are trying to avoid talking to the agent or brokers especially early on in a search process. There are several logical reasons for this. “I don’t even know if I am going to move”, “I am not moving just curious for a friend”, “I already have an agent just don’t like their web site”, “I am busy and don’t want to be bothered at work”, “My spouse doesn’t know I am looking at buying a new home”. Yes I have heard all of these responses!

The agent can tell pretty quick if it is a lead that has some sort of success in converting but the good agents are not going to call you several times a day and keep asking you the same questions or pestering you to meet in person. Once they talk to you they can make their notes and set up time for a follow up or Email/Text with contact information.

If you have several agents calling you it could well be that you have signed up for similar services on different brokerage sites and as such they each have an agent reaching out to you so it seems pretty overwhelming.

Form the clients perspective. If you just let the agents know that you have chosen to work with another agent or that you are undecided about your timing and they should call back in 3 months (you pick time line) they will call you back typically. Once you do choose a Real estate agent as your representative give them as much information as you can about reasons for a move, all criteria that is going to make you want one home over another and work with him as a partner in the process. You will get the occasional agent trying to persuade you to use their services, simply tell them you are represented by an agent and would appreciate if they took you off of active lead list.  Uses this as your initial interview period to ask agents questions you know are important about who you want to be working with.

This will help save time and effort for everyone and you will be getting a lot less calls.

Hope this information helps Rose. Don’t forget you can always contact me direct Mobile/Text @ 512-922-4922 with any questions of if your need an experienced real estate agent in the Austin area.


bob Kenney, Realtor

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